Wednesday, July 28, 2010 zaman skolah2 dlu...memang laen gle muka time ni kurus gle...cnpem xda owg knal jew......mcm mana leh gemuk pn xthu..hahahahhahahaha

zaman kecik2 dlu kn sangat indah..xpayah pk apa,blaja xpayah ,duet xpayah..byar sewa umah xpayah..yang thu maen jewww..wawawawawa

gaya idup di umah sewa...

gamba saya ngan model hero remaja

koleksi video bolasepak sy sendiri

Top 10 Footballers

op 10 Soccer Players in the World

Based on the FIFA player of the year, on the football news, we succeeded in putting together a list of the top 10 football players in the world. Some picks might differ between a site and another since the football experts of or are way different from the soccer experts of or CBSsports.

Here is our opinion about the best football players on the planet, starting with the best football player without any doubt, Lionel Messi.

1- Lionel Messi is an Argentinean football player who features for the FC Barcelona in the Spanish football league and other European football tournaments such as the Champions League. Lionel MEssi is among the most awaited football players during the World Cup 2010 due to his exceptional football shoes tricks and magical football skills.

2- Cristiano Ronaldo has newly joined the Real Madrid; after leading the Manchester United until the Champions League finals against Barcelona where the Man Utd lost, Ronaldo’s popularity was starting to decrease in the English Premier League. After being signed by Real Madrid, Ronaldo is also one of the best soccer players in the world, widely known for his goal scoring techniques and accurate striker’s shots.

3- Zlatan Ibrahimovic just made it to FC Barcelona; as a football transfer between Barca and Inter Milan got tackled, Ibra was substituted by Samuel Eto’O who was transferred towards the Italian League while Ibrahimovic got signed by the football team of Pep Guardiola.

4- Steven Gerrard or Stevie G is among the most dangerous football strikers in the world; as a captain of Liverpool, Gerrard is expected to lead the English football team in South Africa 2010 as the team tackles the FIFA World Cup under the supervision of Coach Fabio Capello.

5- Samuel Eto’o features for Inter Milan; Eto’o was the top scorer of Barcelona until the deal with Inter Milan obliged him to exchange places with Zlatan Ibrahimovic. In the World Cup 2010, Samuel Eto’o will lead the Cameroon football team, perhaps crafting a new surprise by qualifying into the final rounds of the Fifa World Cup tournament.

6- KAKA quit playing for AC Milan and joined Real Madrid along with Cristiano Ronaldo to form one the most dangerous offensive lineups in the world; although Kaka occupies the midfield spot, he remains one of the most skilled strikers when it comes to scoring goals.

7- Xavi Hernandez of FC Barcelona is also one of the football players who won the Euro Championship with spain Vs Germany; Xavi is far from being the fastest football player or the most talented football player but his job in controlling the midfield of every football field grants him the title of one of the best midfielders in the world.

8- Andres Iniesta, Barca player, is considered as one of the main elements in the team; Guardiola counts on Inesta to deliver the balls towards the strikers. Iniesta, referring to football news and sports experts, is one of the most underrated football players in the world, maybe due to the lack of TV appearances or marketing and endorsement deals.

9- Frank Lampard, Chelsea football team’s idol, is one of the most consistent and persistent football players on many levels. Eith [removed][removed] er in the EPL English Premier League fixtures or in the European football tournaments, the Chelsea midfield player has marked the English football with his skills and potential to create decent occasions and lead his team in the Premiership fixtures.

10- Fernando Torres, Spanish striker and one of the most talented goal scorers in the world, will be featuring along his Spanish team mates in the World cup 2010; after winning the European Championship with the Spaniards, Torres will have to demonstrate some real football skills to overcome his bad football results and low football scores with Liverpool throughout the Premier League and the Champions League.

Nissan Fairlady ...huhu

Very good pickup speed. Although non-turbo, the car can stick you to the chair with the G.

3500cc kill me with the road tax. Rm4xxx per year. Bought new unreg in Year 2007 for above 200K and now had to sell at 138K only.

Handling is good but the mirrors are pretty small. Interior only support 2 person. Don't have dog seat also. smile.gif

Top speed limited to the speedo which can only display 180. You reach that speed in no time. Heard people able to do 270kph on stock condition. Put 18" rims worth 12K into it and it looks nicer.

Overall excellent car with a price to pay. smile.gif


The director Christopher Nolan has a knack for making movies that demand to be seen twice - at least twice. I use the word “knack” instead of “gift” because seeing a movie a second time isn’t always a blessing. So far, though, it’s been a treat to re-watch Nolan’s films, from Memento to The Dark Knight. That’s also the case for Inception, a film that’s very good but not quite great. Like Nolan’s other efforts, repeat viewings allow us to understand the plot better, but we don’t necessarily become more emotionally attached.

This is a thick, multi-layered thriller that combines action, drama, science fiction and tragic romance into one mind-bending puzzle. It’s absolutely imperative you go into the movie alert and attentive because it’s easy to get lost. Whether that’s a credit or flaw to Nolan as a writer-director is up for debate, but as much as I admired certain aspects of this movie, its elements do not always come together seamlessly and for all its ideas and innovations, it leaves us at a bit of an emotional distance from the characters. Yet, as a pure endurance and intelligence test, we haven’t seen a movie like it in a long time.

Karate Kid Best!

As the overlong prologue begins, we meet 12-year-old Dre Parker of Detroit (Jaden Smith, a rail thin swagger type like his parents, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith) who with his Mom (the great and underused actress Taraji P. Henson) move to Beijing, China. Once they arrive, Dre makes new enemies with a bullying martial arts gang, gets beaten to a pulp on the school's playground, meets his first girlfriend, and learns the art of Kung-Fu by way of the local hermit Mr. Han (Jackie Chan in surprisingly great dramatic role).

Ironically nobody got the memo about changing the title of the movie, since Smith is learning kung-fu, an ancient Chinese martial art and karate is a Japanese one.

The story is the same as the 1984 classic, only brighter, more expensive, and more exotic with the Great Walls of mainland China replacing the beaches of Southern California, where the kids are younger and more innocent, but five times deadlier than before, and some of the action scenes are quite tense and believable.

While most of the movie is pure bubble gum and gears towards kids 13 and under (the movies theme song is sung by Jaden Smith , the now grown adults who remember the original might get a sly kick out of seeing a series of nods to it. The best is the new Cobra Kai leader being played by Rongguang Yu of Iron Monkey fame.

Chan’s performance as Mr. Han holds the movie together. Through all of its sweeping shots of China and kid training montages, he gives a quiet and powerful performance that in one moment really tugs at your heart - it's always tough to see a favorite action hero cry. This may come as a surprise to many stateside audiences as we've seen him do more of his comedic action stick, but in the Hong Kong cinema he has played all types of characters. Chan is an actor who shows that he can be as dramatic as he is glowingly funny.

If this movie was a little more serious and adult-themed like the original, Chan would be looking at a possible nomination like Pat Morita before him.

The Karate Kid works for those kids who couldn't get into Kick-Ass because of it's R-rating, but for the rest of audience - unless you have a soft spot for Chan - you'll be knocked into another seen-it-before remake.

Trio Liverpool yang mantap..!

Jurulatih Liverfool telah membuat sidang akhbar pengenalan rasmi trio pertama di bawah "royalution"; Milan Jovanovic, Danny Wilson dan Joe Cole hari ini. Apa yang menariknya kos pengambilan ketiganya tidak melebihi 5 juta pound - di mana Joe Cole dan Milan Jovanovic, dua bintang Piala Dunia diambil dengan nilai perpindahan percuma.

Dalam perkembangan lain, dikhabarkan perpindahan Insua mungkin tidak akan berlaku kerana tiada persetujuan tentang permintaan gaji (good news!), Torres akan kembali beraksi di Anfield dan mula berlatih Isnin hadapan (lebih bagus) dan dengar-dengar Maxi akan dipinjamkan ke Espanyol (ohhh tidak bagus....). Apa-apahalpun, kita masih menanti berita rasmi dan harapnya skuad 2010/2011 lebih mantoppp!!!

Torres Kekal Laaaa!!!

Nampaknya kita dah boleh menarik 80% nafas lega apabila diberitahu Uncle Roy yang Torres akan kembali ke Melwood minggu hadapan. "Dia (Torres) telah bercakap dengan saya dan memberitahu saya dia akan kembali ke Melwood Isnin hadapan. Dia juga sudah menyatakan kesediaannya beraksi untuk kita bagi musim hadapan"

Buat masa ini, Torres masih lagi bercuti selepas Piala Dunia, yang diwar-warkan oleh Uncle Roy sebagai sesuatu yang sepatutnya beliau peroleh selepas 3 tahun. Ujar Uncle Roy lagi, "Torres memilih untuk "low profile" dari sebarang spekulasi tetapi dia sudah berhubung dengan kita"

Diharap 20% lagi nafas akan ditarik apabila menyaksikan footage El Nino di Melwood dan membuat kenyataan rasminya. Kita semua berharap musim ini bakal menyaksikan kebangkitan semula The Reds. El Nino akan menjadi sebahagian dari sejarah itu sekiranya dia kekal di Anfield.

Mari Jimat Petrol!

Kesedaran menjimatkan penggunaan petrol bermula dari kenaikan harga petrol yang mendadak awal tahun ini. Syukur juga, kenaikan tersebut dah pun di 'cover' semula oleh kerajaan, itupun kalau bukan kerana desakan demi desakan sesetengah pihak. Itu pentingnya kuat pakatan pembangkang dan, kerajaan yang cekap. Untungnya rakyat juga.. Jadi, kita semua yang memandu ni, mesti tahu cara-cara ideal membawa, mengendalikan kenderaan masing-masing bagi meminima kan penggunaan gas/petrol. Aku ciplak sedikit dari web zeromax.
Semasa hidupkan enjin
• Elakkan menekan minyak dengan kuat, tambahkan kelajuan secara perlahan-lahan
Berbanding menambahkan kelajuan secara perlahan-lahan, menekan minyak dengan kuat akan menyebabkan penggunaan petrol bertambah sebanyak 2 hingga 3 kali ganda. Tabiat pemandu yang kasar, contohnya menekan minyak dengan kuat atau tiba-tiba menekan brek, boleh menyebabkan penggunaan petrol bertambah sebanyak 30%. Jadi, pandulah dengan cermat untuk memastikan perjalanan yang lebih lancar dan menyenangkan sepanjang hari.
Memandu sambil memanaskan kereta
Kebanyakan kereta pada masa sekarang tidak lagi menggunakan karburetor, jadi enjin kereta tidak perlu dipanaskan sebelum berjalan. Tarikkan injap sambil membawa kereta dapat memanaskan enjin secara perlahan-lahan. Pandulah kereta dengan kelajuan yang biasa sambil memanaskan kereta anda. Selepas 1 – 2 km, enjin kereta anda akan mencapai suhu yang sesuai.
Semasa isikan minyak
-Jangan bertindak keterlaluan
Apabila pam minyak berhenti secara automatik, bermakna tangki minyak telah penuh dan harus alihkan muncung bagi mengelakkan lebihan pengisian. Keadaan ini samalah seperti anda dipaksa makan bila perut sudah kenyang. Minyak berlebihan akan menumpah keluar jika kereta anda berjalan di atas jalan raya yang tidak rata. Keadaan ini bukan sahaja membazirkan, malah tidak mesra alam.

Dalam perjalanan
Kekalkan jarak yang selamat dan elakkan menekan brek secara mengejut
Kelajuan kereta akan berkurangan atau berhenti jika brek ditekan, jadi enjin perlukan petrol yang lebih untuk menggerakkan semula kereta daripada gear rendah atau daripada keadaan statik.

Elakkan memecut!
Semasa di lebuh raya, anda barangkali akan menambahkan kelajuan tanpa disedari sambil menikmati keseronokan memecut yang tak terpada. Memecut bukan sahaja akan meningkatkan penggunaan petrol, malah juga akan meningkatkan risiko ditimpa kemalangan jalan raya.

Ramai yang suka pasangkan bendera kecil atau aksesori dan kelengkapan lain pada bumbung kereta. Benda-benda seperti itu sebenarnya merupakan perintang yang akan membebankan kereta anda dan memperlambatkan kelajuan kereta anda, seterusnya menambahkan penggunaan petrol.

Elakkan kerap menekan brek
Asyik merehatkan kaki kanan anda pada brek dan menekan brek bukan sahaja menambahkan penggunaan perol, bahkan juga akan memendekkan hayat brek kereta. Keadaan ini juga akan membahayakan pemandu yang mengikut di belakang kereta anda.

Tayar lebar dan rendah lebih stabil tetapi lebih tinggi penggunaan petrol
Sesetengah pemandu suka menukar tayar lebar dan rendah yang lebih luas permukaannya demi menikmati pemanduan yang lebih stabil semasa memecut. Oleh kerana permukaan tayar yang bersentuhan dengan jalan adalah lebih luas dan menyebabkan geseran yang lebih kuat, jadi ia perlukan kuasa enjin yang lebih. Keadaan ini akan meningkatkan penggunaan petrol, khususnya bermula daripada keadaan statik.

Pengetahuan Am
-Letakkan kereta di tempat berteduh
Elakkan daripada meletakkan kereta di tempat tidak berteduh. Suhu dalam kereta akan naik jika kereta terdedah di bawah bahangan matahari dalam tempoh masa yang panjang. Apabila kereta dibawa, sistem penghawa dingin mengambil masa yang lebih panjang untuk menyejukkan keadaan dalam kereta, akibatnya penggunaan petrol turut bertambah.

-Jangan melengahkan penyenggaraan berkala
Penyenggaraan adalah wajar bagi setiap 5,000 atau 10,000 km, untuk memeriksa penapis minyak, bendalir, angin, bateri, penyambung CV dan sebagainya bagi membolehkan kereta anda berkeadaan optimum dan lebih menjimatkan petrol. Tekanan tayar juga mesti diperiksa supaya berkeadaan normal. Tekanan angin yang sesuai dapat menambahkan 3.3% jarak yang dijalani. Kekurangan tekanan tayar menghabiskan petrol yang banyak iaitu penggunaan petrol akan bertambah 0.4 sen bagi setiap pengurangan 1 paun tekanan angin. Lebih teruk lagi tayar mungkin akan pancit kerana terlampau panas. Jadi pemeriksaan tekanan tayar dengan kerap bukan sahaja menjimatkan wang, malah juga dapat melindungi keselamatan anda. Tayar akan menggoncang jika tekanan tayar terlampau tinggi, ia juga akan mengakibatkan pancit dan membahayakan.

-Bersihkan plag pencucuh
Karbon mungkin terkumpul pada bahagian enjin dan di sekeliling plag pencucuh jika kereta anda selalu terperangkap dalam kesesakan lalu lintas. Penimbunan karbon ini akan melemahkan proses pembakaran dan menghabiskan petrol yang lebih banyak. Jadi, plag pencucuh yang bersih boleh membantu pembakaran yang sempurna dan menjimatkan petrol.

-Kurangkan alat elektrik
Tenaga elektrik dalam kereta dihasilkan oleh generator. Semua alat elektrik dalam kereta seperti penghawa dingin, lampu, sistem penggera, stroboskop dan sebagainya, hanya akan membebankan generator. Semakin banyak tenaga elektrik diperlukan, generator perlu mengeluarkan tekanan yang lebih pada timing belt untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak tenaga elektrik. Keadaan ini sudah pasti akan menambahkan penggunaan petrol.

-Kurangkan bebanan
Ramai pemandu jarang mengemaskan dan membersihkan benda-benda yang tertimbun dalam keretanya, kadang-kala mencapai 40-50kg! Lebihan berat ini bersamaan dengan membawa lebih seorang penumpang, penggunaan petrol juga akan bertambah 1-2%.

• Pengubahsuaian sembarangan membazirkan petrol dan wang
Sesetengah kedai pengubahsuaian kenderaan akan menasihatkan pemilik kereta supaya menukarkan konverter katalisator. Pada halnya, pengubahsuaian sebegini hanya akan menekan ekzos lalu membebaskan lebih banyak tenaga dan menghabiskan petrol yang lebih.

Ancelotti to get funds, Drogba to stay at Chelsea

Chelsea have confirmed that boss Carlo Ancelotti will be handed more transfer funds if the Italian coach asks for them and also moved to quash rumours over Didier Drogba's future.

Ancelotti has so far made just one major summer signing with the acquisition of Yossi Benayoun from Liverpool for £5 million, but chief executive, Ron Gourlay, has confirmed that funds will be made available to Ancelotti.

''If Carlo wants to bring a player or two into the squad then we will look at that,'' Gourlay told Sky Sports News. ''It has to be the right player to fit into the squad and obviously at the right price. If these things all come together then fine, we'll strengthen the squad. But only if Carlo feels it's necessary.''

Meanwhile, Gourlay made it clear that striker Didier Drogba, back at the club's training ground after groin surgery, is not for sale despite interest from Manchester City.

''Didier will be a Chelsea player next year. Didier is under contract,'' he said. ''The thing about this time of year is we always get (this). For our players to be in the news - it's normal. But Didier Drogba will be a Chelsea player next year.''

Meanwhile, Franco Di Santo looks set to stay at the club - at least for the time being - after a move away from the club fell through.

Feyenoord football chief Leo Beenhakker admitted their loan bid for Di Santo was held up by financial constraints, saying: "Chelsea requires a contribution towards the salary of Di Santo and we can not afford that. I do have more irons in the fire, though no guarantees. I'll keep searching for a striker."

Cole targets title challenge

Joe Cole believes Liverpool can challenge for the Premier League title this season.

Roy Hodgson, Joe Cole

Liverpool have not won the league since the 1989-90 season and had to settle for seventh place last time around, but Cole, who won three league titles during his time with Chelsea, feels they are realistic contenders for the coming campaign.

"The target of a club like this is the number one place," he said. "There was a lot of difference last season but we are starting afresh and we will be doing everything we can.

"When you play for Chelsea it (winning the league) was expected every year. When you come here, the whole place is willing it to happen. You can feel that energy and I just want to do my best for the club and if that means we can put some pots on the table then that will be great.

"You just look at the history of the place and it is great that I am pulling on the same shirt as people like Kenny Dalglish, John Barnes - great players.

"I am 28 now and coming into my peak years and I want to be at a club where I am on the pitch as much as possible and helping the team to really do something special.

"I need to feel my confidence again, get myself back to my best, but hopefully I can give my best years to this club. I wouldn't have come to the club if I didn't think we could do things and I just need time and games and we will all do it together."

Torres Stay..Mascherano...bye-bye!

Liverpool manager Roy Hodgson has confirmed that midfielder javier mascherano has said he is keen to leave Anfield this summer, although the manager is convinced Fernando Torres remains committed to the club.

Mascherano is believed to have been unsettled at Anfield for some time but on Monday made his position clear to Hodgson when meeting the new manager upon his return to the club.

It is now expected that former Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez will attempt to take Mascherano to Inter Milan. The player's agent recently said Mascherano is keen to join the Nerrazzuri and reunite with his former boss.

As for Hodgson, he is adamant that while Mascherano has expressed a desire to leave, the Argentina captain will only do so on Liverpool's terms.

"Yes, he wants to leave the club," he said. "He has made that perfectly clear. I think he wanted to leave a year ago. He wants to leave now but he is contracted to Liverpool so whether he leaves or not will be our decision.

"He is a Liverpool player and will continue to be treated as a Liverpool player until such a day arrives when he no longer is.

"The mere fact that the player is a little bit unhappy with his situation and would prefer to leave does not necessarily mean that he will do. It disappoints me but it is not unusual. I think in every club throughout the world there are players playing in the team who would prefer to leave.

"Some are allowed to, some are not allowed to. Mascherano is a Liverpool player with a two-year contract. I expect him to honour that contract until the day comes when the club decides to accept an offer for his services."

Torres has also been the subject of sustained speculation, with Chelsea believed to be preparing a bid and Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini expressing an interest on Monday, but Hodgson insists the striker is committed to the club.

"As far as I know he is looking forward to coming back here; he is back on Monday,'' Hodgson said. "He is enjoying a holiday - a well-deserved break as he has not had one for three years.

"He is spending a lot of time with his family, keeping a low profile and as far as I know he is not really speaking to anyone.

"But he has told us that he is looking forward to Monday, looking forward to getting back to work and looking forward to playing for Liverpool next season. That is what I know so other reports, I would suggest, are erroneous.''

Wira Lancer!!!

Kerata ini kerata orang yang aku jumpe haritu..amat dasat skali makeup yang dia buat..alangkah bestnye kalau aku dapat buat kete macam ni..huhuhu

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The Era Of Glory

The Bob Paisley Era

Bob Paisley, Shankly's 55-year-old assistant, was promoted to the position of manager for the 1974-75 season after failing to persuade his predecessor to carry on. By the time he retired at the end of the 1982-83 season, Bob Paisley was the most successful manager in the history of Liverpool Football Club - he was even the most successful manager in English football, as far as winning trophies was concerned, for almost two decades after his retirement.

Some of the greatest names in English football turned out for Liverpool under Bob Paisley's management. They included goalkeeper Ray Clemence, captain Emlyn Hughes and striker Kenny Dalglish. Liverpool won six league championships in ten seasons while Paisley was manager, as well as lifting three European Cups, one UEFA Cup, three successive League Cups, one European Super Cup and three Charity Shields - a total of 21 trophies. Paisley's achievement remained unsurprassed in English football until Sir Alex Ferguson won the Premiership title with Manchester United in 2001.

Bob Paisley bowed out of management in May 1983 after guiding Liverpool to their second successive League Championship/League Cup double.

The Joe Fagan Era

Joe Fagan, who at the age of 63 became Liverpool manager after Bob Paisley's retirement, was the club's second manager to be promoted from the coaching staff into the manager's seat. He remained in charge for just two seasons before handing in his retirement, but his first season (1983-84) saw Liverpool set some of the most impressive records in English football. They won their fourth successive League Cup and their third successive League Championship as well as winning the European Cup for the fourth time in eight seasons, thanks to the efforts of Fagan and his high quality squad which was mostly made up of players from the Bob Paisley era. A significant breakthrough star in the Liverpool team was young striker Ian Rush, who had been signed from Chester in 1980 and after a couple of seasons in the reserves had broken into the first team and established himself as a prolific goalscorer. Captain Alan Hansen had some of the finest leadership skills in European football. Zimbabweian goalkeeper Bruce Grobelaar was capable of pulling off some of the most impressive saves from opposition players' shots.

Joe Fagan's second and final seasons as Liverpool manager had a traumatic ending. Liverpool lost out on the league title to neighbours Everton - with four matches to spare. They reached the European Cup final to face Italian champions Juventus at the Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium. But before kick-off, violence between Liverpool and Juventus supporters resulted in the death of 39 (mostly Italian) supporters who were crushed to death by charging Liverpool supporters. The sequel to the tragedy was a 5-year ban on English clubs in European competition, with a 6-year ban on Liverpool.

Fagan retired after the Heysel Disaster and handed over the reins to Liverpool striker Kenny Dalglish, who was given the role of player-manager.

The Kenny Dalglish era

Kenny Dalglish began his management career in style with League Championship/F.A Cup double success in the 1985-86 season. The club finished top of the First Division ahead of neighbours Everton, and to round it all off Liverpool hammered Everton 3-1 in the F.A Cup final. Dalglish was still a top striker despite his advancing years, and his partnership with Ian Rush was the most prolific in the English league. Midfielders Craig Johnston and Ray Houghton were also putting on impressive performances. Liverpool's 1986 double success made history as they were only the fifth team in English football to achieve such a feat, and the first team to win the F.A Cup without fielding a single English player.

Liverpool ended the 1986-87 season trophyless as they lost the League Championship to Everton and the League Cup to Arsenal. Pundits were predicting further disappointment for the following season when star striker Ian Rush was off-loaded to Juventus. Dalglish responded by adding John Barnes and John Aldridge to Liverpool's forward line. Liverpool secured the First Division championship with a nine-point gap over runners-up Manchester United and just two league defeats all season. Barnes was voted Footballer of the Year despite having to suffer the humiliation of monkey chants in a game against Everton where the opposition's chairman, Phillip Carter, disowned his own supporters as 'scum'. The downside to Liverpool's season was a shocking 1-0 F.A Cup final defeat against Wimbledon, who had been in the Football League for just eleven seasons and had just completed only their second season of top division football.

Ian Rush returned to Liverpool for the 1988-89 season, after an unsuccessful spell at Juventus, and was crucial in getting the club to their third F.A Cup final in four years. They beat neighbours Everton 3-2 but the triumph was overshadowed by tragedy in the F.A Cup semi final against Nottingham Forest at Hillsborough.

Before the F.A Cup semi final could kick off, 94 Liverpool supporters were crushed to death and around 300 others injured after forcing their way onto terracing through gates which the police had unlocked in fear of their own safety. A 95th fan died a few days after the tragedy, and the death toll became 96 in March 1993 when Tony Bland died after being in a coma for nearly four years.

After the F.A Cup final victory, Liverpool played their final league game of the season - a home fixture against their nearest challengers Arsenal, who were three points behind them and had scored two less goals. Liverpool went 1-0 down but still looked set to win the league until the last minute of the game, when a goal from Arsenal midfielder Michael Thomas (who ironically joined Liverpool a few seasons later) deprived Liverpool of the chance to repeat the double for the second season running.

Kenny Dalglish guided Liverpool to their third league title in five seasons in 1989-90. Although the 5-year ban on English clubs in European competition was lifted for the following season, Liverpool had to serve an extra year and were unable to compete in the 1990-91 European Cup.

On February 22nd 1991, with Liverpool halfway through a two-horse race with Arsenal for the league title, Kenny Dalglish dropped a bombshell on the club by handing in his resignation as manager and claimed he could no longer cope with the pressure of managing the club. First-team coach Ronnie Moran took temporary charge of team affairs for several weeks before Graeme Souness was named the club's new manager. But by that stage, Liverpool were slipping behind in the title race and finished runners-up to Arsenal who completed the season with just one defeat from 38 games.

The Graeme Souness Era

Graeme Souness had a reasonable start to his career as Liverpool manager. His first season as manager saw the club win the F.A Cup with a 2-0 win over Sunderland at Wembley, a success which ensured they would be competing in the European Cup Winners Cup for the 1992-93 season, which would also be the first season of the new Premier League. He spent recklessly on many new players who did not all prove to be successful, especially strikers Paul Stewart and Nigel Clough. Younger players like Robbie Fowler, Steve McManaman and Jamie Redknapp were proving to be successful instead of these expensive acquisitions. The veteran Ian Rush, meanwhile, was still scoring goals as freely as ever despite now being in his thirties. Long serving goalkeeper Bruce Grobbelaar was often being kept out of the team by promising young shot-stopper David James.

Liverpool finished sixth in the first-ever Premier League and had never looked like title challengers at any stage in the 1992-93 season. The 1993-94 season was no different and Souness was dismissed in January 1994 after Liverpool suffered a shock defeat against Bristol City in the F.A Cup Third Round.

The Roy Evans Era

Roy Evans, a boot room veteran who had been on the club's pay roll since the late 1950's, was promoted to the position of manager following the dismissal of Graeme Souness. He guided Liverpool to an eighth place finish in the 1993-94 Premier League campaign, and made two expensive additions to the squad for the following season - central defenders Phil Babb and John Scales. Young striker Robbie Fowler netted 29 goals in all competitions and was voted Young Player of the Year by the PFA, while veteran striker Ian Rush was still scoring vast numbers of goals in his 34th year. Liverpool made big progress during the 1994-95 season, finished fourth in the Premiership and beating Bolton Wanderers 2-1 in the League Cup final.

In the summer of 1995, Liverpool paid Nottingham Forest a British record fee of £8.5million for striker Stan Collymore. The high fee initially looked to have paid off, but during his second season at the club, Collymore's form dipped (and he appeared to be wasting his talent with incidents off the pitch) and he was sold to Aston Villa for £7million in May 1997. Within four years he had quit the game after brief unsuccessful spells with Fulham, Leicester City, Bradford City and finally Real Oviedo.

Robbie Fowler and Stan Collymore formed an impressive partnership for the 1995-96 season which saw the veteran Ian Rush relegated to the substitute bench for much of the season before his departure on a free transfer to Leeds United. Liverpool finished third in the Premiership and were within shouting distance of the title right up to the final weeks of the season. They reached the F.A Cup final and were defeated by Manchester United. But Liverpool still qualified for the European Cup Winners Cup because United had won the Premiership/F.A Cup double.

Liverpool finished fourth in the 1996-97 season having frequently led the table for much of the early part of the season, and were defeated by Paris St. Germain in the semi finals of the European Cup Winners Cup.

1997-98 saw the emergence of a world class young player at Liverpool: Michael Owen. The 18-year-old Chester-born centre forward was a regular player in the first team almost all season long, relegating high profile German striker Karlheinz Reidle to the bench. He became the youngest-ever full England international in February 1998 and was voted Young Player of the Year by the PFA. Liverpool had an outside chance of winning the Premiership title for much of the 1997-98 season but were unable to catch champions Arsenal and runners-up Manchester United, so their place in Europe for 1998-99 was merely the UEFA Cup rather than the Champions League.

The Gerard Houllier Era

Gerard Houllier, the former French national coach, was drafted into the Liverpool management team for the 1998-99 season to work alongside Roy Evans. But Evans found that the partnership did not suit him and he quit during the 1998-99 season, at the end of which Liverpool finished a disappointing seventh - not even enough for a UEFA Cup place.

Liverpool had their best season for years in 2000-01 when they won a unique treble of the League Cup (beating Birmingham on penalties after a 1-1 draw), F.A Cup (beating Arsenal 2-1 with two last minute goals for Michael Owen) and UEFA Cup (beating CD Alaves 5-4). They became the first club in English football to achieve two 'trebles' of any kind. In 1999, Manchester United had become only the second English team to win a treble of any kind when they won the Premiership, F.A Cup and Champions League. The 2001 treble success confirmed Houllier's status as a world class manager.

By now, Liverpool's side contained a new set of players including goalkeeper Jerzy Dudek, defender and captain Sami Hyppia, young midfielder Steven Gerard and Michael Owen's strike partner Emile Heskey. The new generation of players was so impressive that even Robbie Fowler had left the club, joined Leeds United in an £11million deal in November 2001.

2001-02 saw Liverpool progress even further. They ended the season without a major trophy, but finished league runners-up for the first time since 1991 - ironically ending Manchester United's 10-year run of top-two finishes which had begun when Liverpool's 10-year run had ended.

Liverpool won another League Cup in 2003 but Houllier had failed to deliver the league title which had eluded Anfield since 1990, although they did qualify for the Champions League three times during his tenure. Houllier was sacked at the end of the 2003-04 season and replaced by the Spaniard Rafael Benitez, who had just guided Valencia to the Spanish league title. Benitez's hopes of re-establishing Liverpool as a top club were dented when star striker Michael Owen moved to Real Madrid in an £8million deal.

The Rafael Benitez Era

Rafael Benitez has so far guided Liverpool to a League Cup final-losing to Chelsea in extra-time-and a Champion's League Semi-Final in his first season as manager. In the Premiership, Liverpool have fallen behind neighbours Everton during 2004-05, partly due to a crippling series of injuries to key players, but in recent weeks the gap has been closed and they remain in the running to take the last Champion's League position.

The History of The Reds

Liverpool Football Club is the most successful English football team, having won 4 European Cups and 18 league (English Premier League, formerly First Division) titles. Their home ground is the 45,362 capacity Anfield, which is about three miles from the city centre of Liverpool.

The club was founded on March 15, 1892 by John Houlding, the owner of Anfield. Houlding decided to form his own team after Everton FC were evicted from Anfield in an argument over rent. The original name was to be Everton FC but was changed to Liverpool FC after The Football Association refused to recognise the team as Everton.

On July 30, 2004, the Liverpool City Council granted the club planning permission to build a new 60,000 seat stadium, nearby at Stanley Park. For a time, it looked likely that the stadium would be shared with local rivals Everton, but talks on a groundshare failed in January 2005, and Liverpool will now have the stadium to itself despite continued pressure from Everton. It is hoped that if all goes to plan, construction of the new stadium will begin in the summer of 2005 and it will open in 2007. The old stadium will then become a public plaza surrounded by apartments, offices, bars, restaurants and a hotel. The treatment of the old stadium requires some sensitivity as a number of deceased fans have had their ashes officially scattered on the pitch over the years.

The club was especially dominant in the 1970s and 1980s. Great players from this time include Ray Clemence, Mark Lawrenson, Graeme Souness, Ian Callaghan, Phil Neal, Kevin Keegan, Alan Hansen, Kenny Dalglish (102 Caps) and Ian Rush (346 Goals).

The club was also present at two of the biggest tragedies in European football - at Heysel in 1985 and Hillsborough in 1989.

They completed an unprecedented treble of two domestic cups (the League Cup and the FA Cup) and the UEFA Cup in the 2000/01 season. However winning a treble was not something new to Liverpool. In 1984 they were victorious in the European Cup, the League Cup and the Championship. This was the first treble of major honours to be completed by an English club.

The Bill Shankly Era

Bill Shankly was appointed manager of Liverpool before the start of the 1959-60 season. The 35-year-old former Preston North End and Scotland player took charge of the Anfield side when they were in the Second Division and were hardly among the biggest clubs in the English league despite having won the League Championship five times in the past.

Promotion to the First Division was achieved in 1962 when Liverpool won the Second Division championship. In that season, centre forward Roger Hunt scored 41 league goals - a club record which remains unbroken to this day. Liverpool won the First Division Championship in 1964 and regained it two years later, winning their first F.A Cup in the season between their two title triumphs. Roger Hunt, Ian St John, Ron Yeats and Tommy Smith were key Liverpool players in this era. Liverpool won their first European trophy, the UEFA Cup, in 1973 - in that season they also lifted another League Championship. Shankly shocked the football world by announcing his retirement after Liverpool won the 1974 F.A Cup. A local factory even threatened to go on strike in protest against Shankly's decision. But Shankly would not be moved, he watched Liverpool play as a spectator from The Kop until his death from a heart attack in 1981 at the age of 67.

Liverpool have agreed a fee of £2.5 million with Aston Villa for defender Luke Young and he is mulling over the move ahead of Villa's pre-season trip

plane crash

plane pakistan killl 152 passenger

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


1st of all, i want to say THANK YOU to my good friend, Syafiq with all the help and guidance in finishing/make my 1st blog..i say to him like this, "trimas lar bro..nnt aku blanja kaw mkn Pizza..aku taw kaw msti dh lame xmkn kn..aku JANJI aku blanja kaw.." thats a little bit on what i said to him..i will 'kotakan' xlame lagi..hehe :))

so,nk kp ape eh..
as u all already know,this is my 1st blog..
as a student, i have to fulfil my lecturer's order to get an A's in this subject..
so, i make a blog as he said..

hahaha..i dunno what to said again coz now the time is 3:57a.m n i got class tommorow morning..
i better go to sleep now..
bye u guys..
see u again...
i HOPE so..hahaha..
no football,no life...